Open for business: NextOcean, the EO-based marketplace for fisheries and aquaculture

Online webinar

12:00 CEST, Thursday 20th June 2024,

Join our webinar on 20th June to learn about NextOcean, the fully operational EO-based marketplace for fisheries and aquaculture.

This webinar will:

  • Provide an overview of NextOcean and the marketplace
  • Walk through the ordering process
  • Demonstrate the customisation request for non-standard requirements
  • Show how to request provider status and add services to the catalogue


  • David Perez, Sales, Partnerships and Customer Care Manager, Deimos, Portugal

Register now at


Exploring NextOcean's user-driven successes

Online webinar

30 April 2024

In this eigth webinar in the NextOcean series discover the success stories driven by NextOcean services users. 

During the webinar we will showcase the impact of our services on sustainable fisheries, aquaculture, and marine environmental monitoring through compelling case studies.

The webinar included:

  • Outcomes of our recent hackathons
  • Insightful case studies of our alpha users
  • Success stories from our beta users

Speakers include:

  • Nuno Grosso, NextOcean Coordinator, Senior Project Engineer at Elecnor Deimos
  • Peter Miller, NextOcean User Scenarios and Co-design Lead, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Watch the webinar below



NextOcean showcase webinar

Online webinar

31 March 2024

The first part of the Showcase event was a webinar consisting of presentations highlighting the latest capabilities and future roadmap of our services for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Each of the six services was demonstrated by our expert service providers. Watch the presentations below:


NextOcean is open for business

Online webinar

30 November 2023

In this sixth webinar in the NextOcean series we showcase NextOcean v1 and demonstrate how our services provide solutions for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

This webinar included:

  • An overview of the new and improved services from NextOcean
  • A demonstration of the how the services deliver benefits across fisheries, aquaculture and marine environmental monitoring
  • A live demo of the NextOcean online store to easily discover and purchase satellite data products

Speakers included:

  • Nuno Grosso, NextOcean Coordinator, Senior Project Engineer at Elecnor Deimos
  • Peter Toh, NextOcean Project Manager, Nova School of Business & Economics

Watch the webinar below:


Getting started with the NextOcean API

A Virtual Tutorial

13 September 2023

This fifth webinar in the NextOcean enabled participants to get hands-on with the NextOcean Application Programming Interface (API). This virtual session introduced how to leverage our API to more efficiently access NextOcean data.

The webinar features:

  • An overview of the NextOcean platform and data services
  • What an API is and how it enables automation
  • The capabilities of the NextOcean API
  • A live tutorial demonstrating API usage

Speakers included:

  • Nuno Grosso, NextOcean Coordinator, Senior Project Engineer at Elecnor Deimos
  • Miguel Chapela Rivas, Project Engineer for Earth Observation Applications at Elecnor Deimos

Watch the webinar below:

Materials from the webinar can be downloaded from this Google Drive link. In the folder you will find:

  • virtual_tutorial_api_notebook.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook that was used in the tutorial walking through the different functions of the API
  • request4EO-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl: Python package to install the API in your Python environment. Install with the command "pip install request4EO-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl"
  • README.txt: Readme file with description of the API functions and examples of API usage.
  • Hands-on_with_the_NextOcean_API_A_virtual_tutorial.pptx: Powerpoint presentation given during the webinar.



The NextOcean Store..y!

Discover the latest tools to support fisheries and aquaculture

Tuesday 13th December 2022

In the fourth webinar of the NextOcean series we showcased the NextOcean store and demonstrated how our services can be used to benefit fisheries and aquaculture.

The webinar began with David Pérez (Deimos) giving a hands-on demo of the online store, followed by Pedro Ribeiro (+Atlantic) talking about how we can use NextOcean services to ensure sustainable provenance and ecolabelling of fish. Marc Lucas (CLS)  then demonstrated the services from the aquaculture perspective with his presentation on "Assessing the threat of pollution: actionable intelligence for aquaculture".

Watch the webinar below:


Building solutions: co-designing  the next generation of fisheries and aquaculture services

Thursday 9th June 2022

In the third webinar of the NextOcean series we discuss co-designing the next generation of Earth Observation-based fisheries and aquaculture services to produce meaningful and relevant solutions to the problems the industry are facing today. It aims to inform about the concept of co-design and the different approaches that we can use to define and address the most pressing issues facing the fisheries and aquaculture industries where Earth Observation solutions could make a real difference.

Pedro Ribeiro from +ATLANTIC gives an insightful background on co-design principles and techniques and then Peter Miller from Plymouth Marine Laboratory, who leads the NextOcean work on co-design, describes how we have implemented co-design approaches within NextOcean and how to get involved with future activities.

Watch the webinar below: 



The NextOcean Services: from market survey to initial design of commercial EO services

Friday 18th February 2022

In our second webinar learn more about how we are developing solutions for monitoring fisheries and aquaculture, optimising new aquaculture sites, and enabling sustainable trade by minimising bycatch and providing accurate ecolabelling.


  • The NextOcean services – Andrey Kurekin (PML), Marion Sutton (CLS) and Pedro Ribeiro (+ATLANTIC CoLAB)
  • Next steps – How the NextOcean services benefit from Earth observation data - Hervé Caumont (Terradue)

Watch the webinar below: 



Introduction to NextOcean webinar

Tuesday 7th December 2021

Fisheries and aquaculture: they could feed the growing world's population. But it's only a viable solution if we make it sustainable. That's where NextOcean comes in.

NextOcean is working to produce a 100% co-created service delivery platform providing Earth Observation-based services for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

Learn about how we are developing solutions for monitoring fisheries and aquaculture, optimising new aquaculture sites, and enabling sustainable trade by minimising bycatch and providing accurate ecolabelling.


  • Nuno Catarino (DEIMOS)  - Overview of NextOcean
  • Peter Miller (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)  – Introduction to the co-design process
  • Dawn Ashby (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) – Become part of the NextOcean story

Watch the webinar below:


NextOcean is EU Horizon 2020 project bringing together a consortium of European institutes specialising in Earth Observation-based services for fisheries, aquaculture and maritime concern.